ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER, INC. Fifth Edition, Issue 10 August, 2015

ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER, INC. Fifth Edition, Issue 10 August, 2015

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“Therefore encourage one another and build each

other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

I Thessalonians 5:11

Sherry Hemsoth, Director

Encouraging Natives & Missionaries on the Navajo, Zuni, San Carlos & Fort Apaches Reservations in

Arizona and New Mexico

260-403-0557 Cell…Calls & Texting

Email:  Sherry.EncourageOneAnother@aol.com



All donations to Encourage One Another, Inc., a 501(c)(3), are tax deductible and can be mailed to:

EOAI, P.O. Box 9281, Ft. Wayne, IN  46899

Make checks out to EOAI.


Fifth Edition, Issue 10                August, 2015


I usually spend summers in Indiana as most locations I visit on the reservations are busy hosting short-term mission teams during this time of the year.  Also, with the temps hitting three digits in Apache Junction, no one is really interested in visiting The Encouragement House; so staying in Indiana with family and encouraging out of my home office is the best place for me in the summer.  God has used this time in Indiana in the past to refresh and renew my spirit and bring rest to my body.  This past July was no exception as God used my time here in Indiana for those very purposes.  Spending time with my husband, kids, grandkids and mom was wonderful.  I was also able to spend some time with EOAI’s Board of Director’s and do some volunteering at my home church.  God also brought rest to my body, renewal to my soul and refreshment to my spirit.  I am thankful that He meets “all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” without my even having to ask.  He knows my needs better than I do and takes such good care of me.  I give Him all the Praise, Honor and Glory!  What a Mighty God we serve!

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One way God chose to encourage and refresh me

this past month.  I love to fish!. It is so relaxing!


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A day at the lake spent with family

was more refreshment for me.

As many of you did this past month, I attended some of the Revive Indiana sessions.  It was such an encouragement and a blessing to me to be able to go out into the community with fellow believers from various churches in and around Fort Wayne and share Christ.  We were sent to a local church on Main Street that uses a food bank and a thrift store as an outreach.  They were struggling with losing membership to death as most of the congregation was older and were concerned that their denomination was going to close them down.  They were so appreciative of our listening to their concerns and our prayers over them as individuals and over their church.  What a blessing to reach out random to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and see the Holy Spirit work in their lives as well as our own.


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Evangelistic Bible with wristband and card

that explains the colors on the wristband.

Each color represents a part of the gospel message.


I was excited to see how Revive Indiana uses this Life Bible Study Bible, as well as the wristband with Bible verses and card explaining the colors on the wristband.  God has laid it on my heart to purchase some of these Bible to share with my saved friends on the reservations in order to give them a tool when they share Christ with their unsaved friends and family.  If you would like to be a part of bringing this evangelistic Bible to your brothers and sisters in Christ on the reservation, thus giving them a tool to share Christ with their unsaved friends and family, you may make a tax-deductible donation to Encourage One Another, Inc..  Checks may be made out to:  EOAI and mailed to:  EOAI, P. O. Box 9281, Fort Wayne, In  46899.


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EOAI is collecting Bibles, Christian books

 CD/DVDs, etc. to share with our brothers and sisters

in Christ on my next Encouragement Trip.


Since Rick and I will be driving to AJ in September and will have extra room in our van, I am looking for donations of Christian  books, Bibles, Christian CDs/DVDs and/or any other Christian material that I can use as encouragement on my Fall, 2015 Encouragement Trip.  If you have any of the above that you would like to donate to EOAI, please contact me by email at:  Sherry.EncourageOneAnother@aol.com or at P. O. Box 9281, Ft. Wayne, IN  46899 and I will make arrangements with you to get those items from you.  Thank you in advance for sharing your Christian resources with your brothers and sisters in Christ on the reservations.  May God richly bless you for your generosity!  If you have already donated…..THANK YOU!  You are making a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters in Christ on the reservations by encouraging them in their walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

The Encouragement Blanket ministry is going well, but is in need of people who know how to sew on a sewing machine to make some of the blankets.  The purpose of the blankets is to encourage our Native and missionary brothers and sisters in Christ in their walk with the Lord.  Staying warm on the reservations is a challenge and an encouragement blanket embroidered with a scripture is a great way to encourage.  The blankets, made of double sided fleece, are cut, r take about an hour to sew & come with instructions.  If you have the ability to sew and would like to bless a Native/ missionary brother or sister in Chirst on a Native American reservation, or if you have any questions, please contact Sherry at:  Sherry.EncourageOneAnother@aol.com, by phone at 260-403-0557 or by mail at P. O. Box 9281, Ft. Wayne, IN  46899.

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An Encouragement Blanket is ready to go to the reservation to encourage a brother or sister in Christ.  . 14 blankets still need to be sewn by September 1st to go with me and Rick on our road trip to Arizona.

Encourage One Another, Inc. cannot exist to be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ on Native American reservations without people like you who are willing to invest their time, resources and finances into the ministry.  If you would be willing to share this newsletter with others in your life, the base of this ministry could increase two, three, four, fivefold or more, depending on how many people you can share this newsletter with.  You are a valuable part of the ministry.  Thank you for your investment!   May God richly bless you!


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Continual flooding this past month closed one of

the golf courses that Rick manages.

As the water rose, we prayed, and the water stopped

6 inches short of going into the clubhouse door.

What a mighty God we serve!

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Lucy & I enjoyed the log ride at the FW Children’s Zoo.

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