4 Questions with WOF’s Jim Yost

The following is an interview with Wings of Faith Board Member Jim Yost, who is an active volunteer pilot and logistics manager of the ministry.

What are some important aspects that help keep WOF successful?

Being in touch with God's leading is essential to success in any true ministry. We are constantly surprised by God's leading us in ways that don't always make sense in human terms, but His plan is always better and involves things that we could not foresee. We need to rely on Him at every major and many minor decisions. Clarity of our purpose and transparency to our donors and members is also very key.

jim going-to-holbrook-arizona

What are some challenges WOF has overcome and how was WOF able to work through those challenges?

We are constantly challenged to continue doing our regular projects more efficiently as opportunities for special projects have arisen. It is a challenge to meet monthly expenses while blessing dozens of pastors and organizations across five states, many Reservations and even on the border with Mexico.

In what ways can someone volunteer their time with WOF?

We have opportunities in many areas depending on the interest of the individual or group. On an individual level, we need people to do advocacy presentations for WOF, correspondence, newsletters, basic cleaning, aircraft and vehicle maintenance, drivers, warehouse workers, pilots, activities and special event coordinators, etc.

On a group basis, we have opportunities for youth and other groups to work in the warehouse for packaging and to work in the field with local pastors doing youth and children’s programs, construction, etc.

Over all how would you describe your experience with WOF?

It has been very challenging to say the least, but each day or week brings a new source of amazement at God's plan and how He decides to carry it out. I feel very blessed to be a blessing to those who do not know our Savior and have no hope of being happy or successful in life.

In some cases, this is very simple. Supporting those doing the hands-on work is very key to our staying within our objectives. Many of our local pastors and missionaries feel very unsupported and do not have the materials they need to do what they feel God has called them to do. It is very fulfilling and God directed to support their efforts with teaching materials, Bibles, food, clothing, hygiene products and many other things to make their individual "calling" work. Some pastors use building materials to make a difference and others use tee shirts to reach out to youth groups.

This is just an example of how diverse our support is and can be to accomplish God's goals of seeking out those who don't know of His love!

© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2025