Together we are touching hearts and changing lives.

Together we are touching hearts and changing lives.

Love in Action
God’s love in action is much needed in the world today.  Water From the Rock is dedicated to bringing the Gospel to people who have not heard the message of salvation or have not believed in the love of Jesus.  In today’s culture there are a multitude of false teachers and false religions that lead people astray onto a path that leads them further into darkness.
Jesus said, “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Me.”  The good news is that we are telling many people that there is hope for their broken lives.  His Name is Jesus!  As we demonstrate God’s love in practical ways such as helping the poor who don’t have enough food or adequate shelter for their families, some have no running water, others are homeless and dejected, we are showing them God’s goodness.  People open their hearts to receive His love and forgiveness and their lives are forever changed.

Through your prayers and financial support, WFR is reaching those who were lost and forgotten.  Mary’s Shelter for pregnant teens is reaching out to help teens and save one baby at a time.  The California School Project has increased their presence in public high schools where much sin has infiltrated the youth, and students are giving their lives to Christ and following Him.  In the Philippines, Pastor Leo and his ministry team are evangelizing in their region and building churches for the new converts when they have the funds to build.  These are a few examples of the fruit of your partnership.  God’s love in action is changing lives.  Please give a generous donation now and help us spread the Good News with great joy.  God receives all the glory.  His hands are open to bless you.  God is at work among us, and we are making a difference in many people’s lives.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support and God bless you all!

Read the whole article here.

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