Wings of Faith Update August 2015

Wings of Faith Update August 2015
Wings of Faith Ministries -
WOF School Backpack project

Look At Those Happy Faces!

Yes, it's the middle of summer but on many of the Native American Indian Reservations that we serve, school starts in August. Through your assistance thousands of Native American kids have some of the basic supplies to help them in their education. Inclement weather has hindered our final deliveries. Please pray for a break in the storms so we can make the final deliveries.

A huge shout out to our volunteers who worked so hard to make this happen. From securing donations, stuffing each backpack with school supplies, organizing pallets for distribution, and of course the pilots and drivers who handle the deliveries -- this could not have happened without you! Thank you to the organizations who provided the supplies. And thank you to Wings of Faith financial supporters and prayer warriors! We pray that these items will help open doors to the Gospel in the hearts of those who need to hear the Good News.

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Holbrook Hangar Update

The main hangar door has been finished. The storage racks are in place. The signage is next, and the Wings of Faith Holbrook Hangar and Warehouse is in business! Praise our heavenly Father for this magnificent provision and thank you for your faithful participation!

Holbrook Hangar Project

Prayer Request

You may remember this photo of Carla Kinney and her parents. The Kinney family needs your prayers. Carla fell and both her hands were injured and then a cyst was discovered. Will you also please pray for her dad's health? We have a prayer and praise page on the Wings of Faith website

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Monthly Breakfast Fellowship

The third Saturday of each month we meet for fellowship and Wings of Faith updates. Come and hear about what God is doing through this ministry and through your support to meet needs on impoverished American Indian Reservations and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Next Breakfast Fellowship: August 15 at 9:00 a.m. at Marie Callender's, 160 E. Rincon, Corona, Calif. Please join us! 


Save The Date! 

We are planning an 40th Anniversary Open House celebration for Saturday, September 19 and you're invited. More details will be forthcoming. 


Ministry Partner: Gleanings for the Hungry

Gleanings for the Hungry, located in the San Joaquin Valley, is a Christian, non-profit organization with the mission to help feed the hungry of the world both spiritually and physically. Gleanings produces dried peaches and nectarines and a dried soup mix from bulk dehydrated vegetables. We praise God for this faithful partner! Gleanings August Newsletter (pdf file)


Meditation & Reflection

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.  - Daniel 12:3 (NIV)


ABOUT US: Wings of Faith is a volunteer organization of Christian pilots and others who minister to America's Forgotten People -- the Native Americans of the Southwest -- by distributing Bibles, clothing, food, school supplies, household needs, Christmas gifts and more to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization; your donations are tax-deductible. Learn more on our website.


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