Encourage One Another Inc. November 1 2015 News Letter

Encourage One Another Inc. November 1  2015 News Letter


“Therefore encourage one another and build each

other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

I Thessalonians 5:11

Sherry Hemsoth, Director

Sherry Hemsoth, Director

Encouraging Natives & Missionaries

on the Navajo, Zuni, San Carlos & Fort Apaches Reservations in Arizona and New Mexico

260-403-0557 Cell…Calls & Texting

Email: Sherry.EncourageOneAnother@aol.com



Encourage One Another, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)

All donations are tax deductible

and can be mailed to:

EOAI, P.O. Box 9281, Ft. Wayne, IN 46899

Make checks out to EOAI.


Sixth Edition, Issue 1 November, 2015


As you will see in this newsletter, the Encouragement Blanket ministry is growing as EOAI reaches out to those in need of encouragement on the reservations. EOAI is also partnering with a ministry on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona as we help them to do monthly Outreaches to different communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. With the growth and expansion of ministry, Encourage One Another, Inc. is in need of more monthly, quarterly or yearly supporters. If you or someone you know (please feel free to share this newsletter with others) would be interested in sharing your financial resources with your brothers and sisters in Christ on the Reservations in Arizona and New Mexico through a regular financial commitment to our ministry, please fill in the following information with a tax-deductible check made out to: Encourage One Another, Inc. (EOAI) at P. O. Box 9281, Fort Wayne, IN 46899.

Encourage One Another, Inc.

P. O. Box 9281

Fort Wayne, IN 46899

Name ___________________________________

Address _________________________________



Donating $________________________________

___Monthly ___Quarterly ____Annually

Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:

Encourage One Another, Inc. (EOAI)

When you send in the above with a donation, you will receive a receipt to return that will help you remember to send in your next donation. A summary of your donations will be sent in January of each year for tax purposes. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would be glad to speak with you.

It is fun being in others people’s lives, especially those with children as you watch them grow up. Denise, missionary to the Navajo and Hispanic population in Farmington, New Mexico has a daughter, Mahalee, who is a Senior in high school. I met her when she was 8 and have watched her grow over the years. After much research, Mahalee has decided she wants to attend college next year at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix. So…..Denise and Mahalee spent four days at The Encouragement House with me this past month. One of the days they were there, we all drove over to the university to take a tour of the campus. It was a good day for us all. Mahalee loved the tour (Denise and I thought it was fun also) and then we all sat down with a counselor to hear more about the campus. After the tour, we headed out for lunch, and since neither Mahalee nor Denise had ever been to a Chic fil a, thats where we went. Of course, they loved it! After lunch, we spent some time at the local Zia store, a store that sells used records, CD and DVDs. Their prices our fantastic there! It was a GREAT day!

Mahalee loves music, so we decided to go to the Musical Instrument Museum in Scottsdale. Wow…..what an incredible museum! It highlights musical instruments and musicians from around the world. There were instruments for people to play and I think that was everyone’s favorite room in the museum!

Denise (who struggles with Multiple Sclerosis) is very active in her community in New Mexico. She works as a youth leader at her local Community Center and helps adults get their GED. She also is active in the local homeless population, feeding and actively evangelizing. She works hard and so many times pushes herself to exhaustion. This was a good trip for her and Mahalee to get away from the stress of their everyday lives, relax at The Encouragement House and be encouraged over Godly conversation, devotions, prayer, lots of a card game called Hand & Foot and fun! I am so thankful that God chose to bless us with The Encouragement House so that we can bless others! To Him Be The Glory!

Me, Lucy, Denise and Mahalee have fun playing these instruments

Me, Lucy, Denise and Mahalee have fun playing these instruments. Afterwards, we decided we should form a band, which we named the Cowbell Gang. LOL! Fun!

The Encouragement Blanket ministry is growing. Several people are blessing the ministry by making blankets. One of those people is my mom. She is 85 years old and still loves to sew, especially when it blesses others.

My Mom, sewing an Encouragement Blanket.

My Mom, sewing an Encouragement Blanket.

The Encouragement Blankets have been a huge blessing for the recipients. Two missionaries from New Mexico who received blankets in the spring have told me that they use them every day…..what a blessing to hear!

Five blankets will be shipped off to the Navajo Overcomers Ministry in New Mexico this week. These men will receive an Encouragement Blanket and a “Who I Am In Christ” bookmark when they graduate from the program in November. During their stay with the Overcomers, they are mentored on how to surrender their lives to Christ so that they can stay sober and be responsible husbands and fathers, as well as contributing members to society. They are then encouraged to share Christ with their friends and family, as well as those God brings across their paths.

5 Encouragement Blankets, along with 5 “Who I Am In Christ” bookmarks

5 Encouragement Blankets, along with 5 “Who I Am In Christ” bookmarks, being packed to ship off to the Navajo Overcomers Ministry in New Mexico

If you are interested in blessing someone by participating in the Encouragement Blanket Ministry, either by financially underwriting the cost of a blanket, by making a blanket or by donating to receive a blanket, please contact me, Sherry. If you are interested in receiving an Encouragement blanket by making a donation to EOAI, please let me know. For a donation, you can receive a Native blanket, or we will make you a custom blanket to your specifications with any fleece pattern and scripture verse that you would like. All Encouragement blankets have a scripture embroidered in the corner of the blanket to encourage the recipient to keep their focus on Jesus. Encouragement blankets make great gifts!

If you haven’t noticed, Encourage One Another, Inc. now has a Logo. I gave a Navajo friend a rough drawing of what I wanted and He designed the Logo. He took the image of the Saguaro from the Saguaro in the front yard of The Encouragement House and it represents Arizona; the mountains represent New Mexico; the hand shake represents encouragement; and the Bible represents encouraging through scripture. I think that my friend, Brian, did a great job! He is a blessing to me and the ministry.
Brian has a ministry called, Ignite and Burn. He is passionate about encouraging people to follow hard after Jesus. It is the goal of his ministry to help people get to the place in their lives that they are “on fire” for Jesus.

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