Toys 4 Smiles November 2015 Newsletter

Toys 4 Smiles November 2015 Newsletter
Hi Everyone!
As I prepared this article, we are in our new facility at 4315 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89103.
Toys 4 Smiles is again able to make and give away toys. We recently gave away toy number 234,000.
Many volunteers worked many hours to prepare for the move. Then along came Station 15 of the CC Fire Department to help Jon Powell and Red Carpet Movers make the move.  See more about the move below.
Facility is temperature controlled, in a great area and with plenty of parking!
One item that we need to work on is the ability to get more power in the building, NV Energy will help us find out how soon and how much it will cost. May be asking for some financial or installation help.
Good news is we will still put smiles on the faces of many children! : ) The fact that one toy can change a child's life forever is all we need to keep moving forward, It's not a matter of if we can get more power, but when we will get more power! : )
More info next month! Some great local supporters made it possible to begin bringing more power into out toy shop on November 24! Thanks from us and the kids! : )
Thanks to a comment from a supporter, we will post some items on our wish list and will add them each month. See article below on how to access and check them out and see if you can help.
Have any ideas to add to or to improve our newsletter? Please let us know!
Remember you can get anything out of life that you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
See you down the road!
Rex Doty
Founder & President
CC Fire Department & Red Carpet Movers Made the Move
In planning our move, Rex contacted Red Carpet Movers and explained who we were and what we required. When he asked Jon for an estimate, he recalls Jon looked at him and said "We will take care of it!" : ) Lump in his throat!
When moving day arrived, Clark Lamping and 10 Clark County Fire Department firemen joined Jon Powell and Red Carpet Movers employees to move whole Toys 4 Smiles operation in 4 hours!
Lots of stories, but the main story is they all volunteered their time and services!
This story HAS to get out to everyone you know in the area! Not only PR for the Fire Department, but the need to promote Red Carpet Movers! At least tell people to give them a chance to bid!
From us and the kids, we say Thank You! : ) 
Toys 4 Smiles Online Wish List
Wish List items can be purchased or donations made through our own Toys 4 Smiles MyRegistry.
Click here to visit our online registry to purchase items to support our operations with shop supplies, office supplies, utilities, rent assistance, cash donations and other items.
For more information or questions about using the online wish list,
For items purchased online please be sure to include the following ship to information:
Toys 4 Smiles
4315 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV  89103
Please include your name, address and a list of items donated so that you receive an acknowledgement.
Thank You to Volunteer Grace for putting this together.
Toys 4 Smiles will be closed on Thursday, November 26, 2015 for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Have a wonderful & Happy Thanksgiving!!! 
For the most up to date information about Toys 4 Smiles and a complete Corporate Donor List, please:
Visit Our Toys 4 Smiles Website
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