Our Partners Rock!

Our Partners Rock!

Posted by: Tom Leedom 8-9-2012

TownFor those that may not be familiar with Gleanings for the Hungry: Gleanings is a YWAM organization located in Sultana, CA, north of Fresno. Gleanings primarily processes dehydrated peaches, trail mix, and vegetables ready to be made into a nutritious soup. Approximately 800,000 lbs. is processed monthly for donation to Wings of Faith and other humanitarian organizations all over the world.

Jim Yost and I flew to Gleanings Tuesday, July 23rd. This was my first visit. Words do not come close to describing this awesome day.

Upon landing at Sultana Airport, Eric Rivera greeted us and we left on a short drive to Gleanings. The trip took us through beautiful hillsides covered with peach, pomegranate, and other fruit trees. Then Eric took us on a fascinating tour of the 22 acre facility. Everywhere you looked there were smiling faces serving the Lord. Over 100 volunteers were donating their time for God’s glory.

Jim with awardAfter the tour, a plaque and collage of pictures depicting our last trip was presented to Gleanings on behalf of WOF. Our visit concluded with a wonderful lunch with the staff and other volunteers.
Tom with friend

Wings of Faith and the impoverished Native Americans we serve wish to thank Gleanings For The Hungary for the wonderful gifts we receive. We value our partnership with Gleanings very much.

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