Second Chances and New Beginnings, Happy 2016!

Second Chances and New Beginnings, Happy 2016!


Encourage One Another

Sherry Hemsworth of Encourage One Another Inc. ministry (Navajo, Zuni, San Carlos and Fort Apache Reservations in Arizona and New Mexico) is encouraging all of us to remember those who live on the reservations without running water or electricity. In her recent newsletter she says, "It is already below freezing with the low being 0 degrees and lots of wind and snow. Life is brutal for those trying to stay warm and hydrated. Obtaining water when everything is freezing is extremely difficult." She explains that of those who even have wood stoves, firewood is difficult to get and expensive since there are so few trees. This early in the winter Sherry says she has "already been informed of a woman who froze to death in bed inside a home that had no electricity."

Please remember these folks in your prayers and may God multiply all gifts! You can read Sherry's newsletter on our website. The wood stove below is a Navajo family's lifeline in the winter. Notice the cement block walls and cement/dirt floor. 

Pot belly stove
Meet Lynn Barnes

Meet Lynn Barnes

Lynn Barnes is one of our newest volunteers. She lives in Lake Havasu, Arizona and is an avid recycler. She collects clothing for people in need and is now assisting Wings of Faith with some wonderful contributions. The newspaper "Today's News Herald" in Havasu even wrote a column about Lynn's good work. On our website you can read about her and how graciously the Lord provides and uses Lynn in His work. 


Breakfast Fellowship

Please mark your calendar for January 16, 2016 for our Breakfast Fellowship as we welcome special guests from two of the Reservations we service.

Davis Davidson who ministers out of the Chinle area is bringing 3 youth pastors, as well as his daughter Marissa. 

We'll also have guests from The Native American Outreach Ministries House (NAOMI), Executive Director Genevieve Skidmore and Board Member John Meyer. 

Please JOIN US on January 16, 2016

Marie Callender's, 160 E. Rincon, Corona, Calif. We meet in the large room to the left and in back as you enter.   Here's a link to the location on Google Maps.


Real People Meeting Real Needs

Wings of Faith is a volunteer organization of Christian pilots and others who minister to America's Forgotten People -- the Native Americans of the Southwest -- by distributing Bibles, clothing, food, school supplies, household needs, Christmas gifts and more to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization; your donations are tax-deductible. Learn more on our website

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Thanks to Our Sponsors!

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