Wings Pilots Even Drive When Necessary

Wings Pilots Even Drive When Necessary

What an exciting day of new adventures and good fellowship! John and I decided to drive his pickup to Holbrook rather than fly up.  It was the correct decision because the vegetable needed to be delivered and not sit in the plane over night and become damaged by the heat and the cold temps.  We met Brenda at the American Indian Christian Mission who directed a strong young man to help unload the veggies.  They were very grateful to receive FRESH vegetables.  
We then traveled down to Cibecue and Pastor Wayne.  His delightful personality and hearty laugh made for a very enjoyable visit.  He took us on a tour of his expanding mission, letting his joy shine through as he explained all of his goals and on-going events.  We then loaded the produce into his truck so that he could head out to the numerous households and deliver the yummies straight to their kitchens.
Upon leaving, since John and I are both pilots, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to check out Cibecue's landing strip just outside of town.  What a treat!  We hit the back roads trying to figure out how to enter the field.  Finally, success!  It looked like a possibility for future deliveries and as long as the weeds don't grow too tall.

Ronnie Negley and John Brown​

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