The Toews Family July 2016

The Toews Family July 2016

“...If I settle on the far side of the
sea, even there Your hand will guide
me, Your right hand will hold me
 Psalm 139:9
10 (NIV

What are we doing?”  The question has crossed our minds countless times over the past few months as we packed up our earthly belongings, said good - bye to our life in the States, boarded the plane, and transplanted our little family to the tropical island of Java.  Our former life in America seems like a very distant memory amidst the constant deluge of unfamiliarity that daily inundates our senses.  Even the simplest tasks must be re - learned, from driving on the left side of the road, to preparing meals with different ingredients, to basic communications in a new language.  Continually confronted by our own limitations, we’ve begun to recognize with new perspective both the urgency and beauty of complete dependence on our strong and loving heavenly Father.  As Psalm 139 reminds us, the same God who brought us to “the far side of the sea” is with us still, guiding our every step and holding us securely.  He loves every one of us so much that He gave His son Jesus to reconcile people to Himself from every tribe and nation to enjoy the abundant life only He can offer.  Our desire is to demonstrate that love using aviation to meet physical and spiritual needs of people in the forgotten corners of the Earth.  God hasn’t forgotten them.  That’s why we’re here. In His hands, The Toews Family

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