Dear Wings of Faith Family

Dear Wings of Faith Family

Dear Wings of Faith Family

As you may realize, Christmas will be upon us soon. The chance to share the joy of the birth of our Savior is going to be here before we know it. We hope to share that joy with up to 10,000 children this year across five U.S. States and Mexico. Our best gift is “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son...” (John 3:16) In 2005, eleven years ago, we served ten locations/ministries with Christmas Airlift. We served twenty-nine locations in 2015 and are thanking God daily for the opportunity and blessings to serve this many folks in 2016. The challenge of greeting each of these children with a message about the Christ child is monumental and can only be accomplished with the help of many hands, including ones like yours. Please consider helping Wings of Faith this fall in preparation and delivery of modest toys for literally thousands of children. This assistance can be in many forms: from gathering toys and small blankets, hygiene items, etc. at your local church, speaking to groups that might want to adopt this project, helping in our warehouse, praying for “our” children, or helping to pay delivery costs for our trucks and aircraft to visit these remote locations. Enclosed you will find a pre-addressed envelope that can be returned with your donation. And should you be able to volunteer even a few toys or a few hours to help out, email us at Blessings continue to pour into Wings of Faith from supporters such as Giving Children Hope, Serve-One, Operation

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