Christmas Event at Thoreau

Christmas Event at Thoreau
An amazing event at Thoreau yesterday, hundreds of very thankful and patient folks showed up, the kids got presents from Santa and the loaves and fishes of shoes and coats were enjoyed with basketfuls of leftovers for the rest of the winter. 
The Soles4souls folks were an amazing machine of organizing, searching and making each person, hundreds of them, feel special and blessed this year. Benny Harry, a local evangelist spoke several times throughout the day and Christmas music in between. 
The S4S folks followed Eric and I back to Gallup because we were having trouble with the old white truck and even bought us dinner. 
I was truly renewed after yesterday. Soles4souls even gave WOF a check to cover some of our expenses this week. 
We also distributed food from Midwest Foodbank, Giving Children Hope, Stussy clothes and hats,  books and Highlights magazines from
Eric and I hauled about 4,000 lbs of goods from Holbrook to TNO for the event and Felma had other stuff all ready on hand. 
The white truck is now relegated to city duty until we get a professional to look at the differential. 


Kids with toys

Santa Kids with toys

Building with toys for kids

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