2018 Back Pack & School Supply Drive

2018 Back Pack & School Supply Drive

Kids with backpacks

Wings of Faith has served Native American children with school supplies for many years. Last year, 3,000 kids received back packs and/or the basic materials to give them confidence as they continue their education.
This year, two generous donors have enabled a Matching Grant of $7,500 to kick start the drive! Please help us achieve our goal of raising $20,000 to purchase back packs and school supplies and pay for the fuel to fly to remote

locations (or drive when poor weather conditions prevent our pilots from getting airborne).
Your donation will purchase back packs, pencils, paper, notebooks, erasers, scissors, glue, crayons and other essentials for kids from struggling families who desperately need a basic education.
Some of the Reservations where we help serve in Jesus name include the Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Paiute and Colorado River Tribes.

Please donate online at FlyWithWings.org/donate. Or mail your check to Wings of Faith Ministries,P.O.Box524,Tustin, CA92781.WingsofFaith is a registered501 (c) (3).Your donations aretaxdeductible.FederalTax ID number:95-3480924.ManythanksandGodblessyou!

Download the PDF flyer here for printing

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