Pastor Wayne - Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission

Pastor Wayne - Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission

Dear Friends, ( are my friends!)    Dec '20/Jan '21

We are sitting on the banks of an ocean, an ocean of Revival! The "revival" will simply be JESUS! Nothing more, nothing less! If we have Him, he will be enough! If we seek Him, he will provide everything. We have sought religion and religious forms and actions, thinking that this is what God demanded. Somehow, in all of this...we forgot Jesus! We left Him behind. We thought we were doing what he wanted by throwing Him a few "crumbs' called "prayers" once in a while. We open the Bible and give Him a few crumbs of our time...we even called it "study-" We even say "praise the Lord," now and then, didn't we feel good? We must give Him all! "All to Him I owe!' We must return to Him. We must forsake ail to follow Jesus...even if it means forsaking "people" or °sins" or "the love of the world." Nothing must take the place of Jesus. Nothing! We must love Him before we "love others."
If you pul your hand to the plow and look back, you're not fit for the kingdom of God! Guess what? That's "His words,' not mine. (Although I totally agree with them.
When we make Jesus the Lord of our lives (not just Saviour) instead of some "religious fix" on Sundays, then Jesus will lead you by His Spirit… the Holy Spirit!
Reading our Bibles (the Word) must be used to bring us to Jesus, not to make of us theologians! Prayer must be used to bring us to Jesus. Loving others must result in a closer walk with Jesus. Even church must serve to bring us into union and fellowship with Jesus,..not to make us "feel good about ourselves." Isn't that a Pharisee, I see? Jesus must be the "point!" If not. you missed the point! Repent! Make Him.,.make Jesus, your First Love. Even "winning souls" must not take preeminence over building a solid love relationship with Jesus! Ifs vitally important to win souls,.,but if you have little or no actual relationship with the Saviour of souls, then you don't have His "heart for the lost."
Fall in love with Jesus, you'll want to win souls...He'll make you "fishers of men!" (You'll want to bring others to know and love Him, just like you! Not because the Bible says you should!) Jesus is the best thing that you can give to people (who are lost!) Don't give people "religion," give them Jesus! Don't lead them to Church...lead them to Jesus, then they'll want to go to church! Point them to a Church that actually gives them more of Jesus,..and not some "dead form."
Jump into the "ocean!" Get into this Revival! "Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh unto you!"
You might contend, "But I do love Jesus!' Do you love Him with ALL? Have you given Him ALL? Are you
holding back any area of your life...have you surrendered ALL? Come to know Jesus!

Christmas Program 2Q20   
Jesus works in mysterious ways. He uses people. He used people like you! And He did! I get the joy of seeing you "step up" and do your part. You guys sent and said "Lets’ do this, let’s these kids!" "Let's keep the mission going, moving forward!" Jesus must have spoke to you..there was an abundance! But here's the good news (I thought that was the good news!) when we had the Program (2 nights!) We start with just talking about Jesus...then we offer Jesus to all, the simple gospel: Do you have "room in the inn" for Jesus to be born in you? Will you repent and ask the Lord into your heart? 70+ people responded to the "call." asked Jesus in. Then, we gave out hundreds of beautiful toys and bikes! Some of those toys were telescopes, binoculars, amazing gifts! Even Toys For Tots got involved... Wings of Faith...Skyway Church...Dollar General. God bless you all! A need presently: two truck tires for the mission Dodge. $200

In Christ,
Pastor Wayne N. Stephens Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission

Pastor Wayne - Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission

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