New Pastor in Need of Help

New Pastor in Need of Help

New Pastor Needs help rebuilding church for Jesus

Pastor Jason Yazzie has accepted the call from God to shepherd a new church in the City of Prewitt, New Mexico.  The Greater Annointing Church and Pastor Yazzie are being supported by Wings of Faith in the same manner that Wings of Faith supports many churches across the Reservations. Pastor Yazzie was able to locate and purchase a church building and property in this area(east of Gallup, NM) to set up his base of operations. The purchase of the building and property was a miracle in itself. The church is an older building and it has seen its years of wear and tear and is in dire need of  ‘TLC’ (tender love and care.)  We are writing this post to see if anybody out there would like to help him in any way .  He is in need of money for repairs, a new water heater, a septic tank ($1400 to $7000 range) and children’s Sunday school ministry curriculum. These are the initial items he mentioned to us.  Refer to the attached pictures of the church to see the condition. Pastor Yazzie is holding church every week in the meeting hall portion of the church. His congregation numbers are increasing each time he meets, so his ministry is making a difference in this area. Praise God!!!!! Thank you Pastor Yazzie for taking this task on!!!!!!  If you want to help out in any way, please contact Jim at WOF(866-532-5649 x 123)  or Pastor Yazzie directly (505-290-1994). You can also donate money to the church via WOF by check or via the website  and just write in the memo that it is for Pastor Yazzie.



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