Restart Schools on the Reservations, Invest in the Students directly!

Restart Schools on the Reservations, Invest in the Students directly!

The School Supply Project for 2022 is about 40% complete. We need a little more financial help to deliver backpacks to all locations and to get the kids started in school again after a long summer. Please help with a few dollars, if you can, to move us toward a balanced budget for this project. We are  short about  five hundred backpacks and some fuel money to deliver them. Backpacks filled with goodies cost us about $7.00 each including delivery. A gift of $14 would provide for two students, $28 for four students, etc. We are very efficient at making God's money and your gifts go a long ways.
The Covid Crisis on the Native American Reservations is  up and down but is effecting their overall economy as well as the big sting of inflation. We thank you most sincerely for your generous support for God's effort at relieving some of the misery in Eastern Arizona. Our hangar in Holbrook, AZ,  has become a central distribution point for supplies including bleach, soap, hygiene kits, food, clothing and other necessities. Lots of photos and info are posted below at the website(
We did a  combined trip in July, delivering school supplies to some locations and distributing more food, clothing and lots of water and drinks. The drought is a persistent problem especially on the Navajo Nation, as many wells are affected.  As we prepare for our annual School Supply  Outreach, did you know that on average, American Indian 4th graders score 19 points lower in reading than non-Native students? A lack of proficiency in reading is a clear danger sign for all aspects of academic achievement. High School graduation rates are the lowest for Native Americans of any recognized ethnic group.  Among the problems that families in economically disadvantaged Native American Reservations face is choosing between food or school supplies for their kids. Can you imagine having to make that choice?!
We have been blessed with the ability to help minister to families in need, opening the door for hearts to hear the Gospel. But we need your help to support youngsters in the most impoverished tribes get off to a good start this fall with the basic materials that will help them learn, especially in their reading skills. The ability to read will go far in their lives and you will make a difference for eternity!

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