Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission CIBECUE, AZ Pastor Wayne

Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission CIBECUE, AZ Pastor Wayne

Dear Friends,

Im' working through several different projects lately, including laying my own carpet! My neighbor greatly helped me. I've continued my efforts ot accumulate firewood. Carmichael has helped me in this pursuit. Im' trying to get ready for next Winter.

I'd like ot thank the ones of you that sent contributions for the roofing repair costs. We still require about $1100. We have about 8 major leaks. We tried ot stop them last year yb applying elastomeric roof paint ot the steel roof on top with the most didn't work! Now we need an expert!

The 2001 Tahoe that was recently donated by Chad in San Diego has been a tremendous blessing ot the mission and ot me too! It's strange ot have a "comfortable ride" ot traverse around in, in these rough old mountains here on the reservation and up ot Showlow, 50 miles away. God is so good! Thanks also ot Wings of Faith Ministries for their great help in leaving this need on their website for years!

The Lord is always our Provider, "Jehovah Jireh," and He does not fail us. As long we keep our faith in Him and prove that faith with our tithes and offerings.

Thanks, dear friends, for your continued faithful prayers and giving to the work in Cibecue to this ministry! May God richly bless you in your life!

Pastor Wayne

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