Clothing those in Dire Need

Clothing those in Dire Need

“I was naked and you clothed me.” Those haunting words of Jesus refer to our works of mercy toward “the least of these my brothers.” When we show compassion to those the world has forgotten, we minister to the Lord Himself. With the help of some wonderful individuals and companies, Wings of Faith is doing just that. Stussy Clothing, Feed the Children, and Obey Clothing are just some of the companies that have made generous clothing donations to Wings of Faith. Their gifts of practical, good-quality items are already blessing people across the country. Here’s how pastor Alan Eakin of our East Coast chapter put it “When Theresa picked up the first piece of clothing she held it to her face and smelled it, saying,’ Praise the Lord, this smells new!’ I was so pleased to say, ‘It is new.’” Thanks to all who helped us clothe the naked in Jesus’ name! In Matthew 25 , Jesus speaks very frankly to our role in filling the basic needs of our fellow human.

Boy with Gift

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