December Newsletter

December Newsletter

Wings of Faith Ministries Inc.

Take Off Points
Monthly Breakfast Meetings Resume in January

WOF monthly breakfast schedule takes a brief hiatus this month as the 3rd Saturday is very near Christmas Day. We will resume on January 17th at Carrows on Main St. in Corona at 0900.

Consider a Year End Donation to Wings of Faith

Plane with boxes

As you may know, WOF works very hard at the Christmas Airlift, see above, carrying the love of the Christ Child far and wide. But we continue operations 12 months of the year and need financial support for daily operations as well as special projects. If you would like to see a list of opportunities to direct your year end gift, please see

Wings of Faith Board Meeting is Dec 20

Wings of Faith Board Meeting is Dec 20
Please pray for your Board as we meet to elect new Board members and officers for 2015, as well as make adjustments to the By-Laws. Your prayers are what keep us going and in line with scripture while carrying out the Great Commission with compassion across five states and Mexico.  We are also seeking your prayers on the hangar project in Arizona as we are nearing a "go point".

Example of Hangar for Holbrook

Example of Hangar for Holbrook
We are at about $52,000 in funds raised to build a hangar for the Holbrook airport. This will give us storage and access by air(see map above) and road(I-40) to a large number of the areas we serve. This will save time, fuel, aircraft maintenance and overall costs.

Christmas Airlift Support Comes from Wide Field

Tustin Acura partners with S.A.D.D.

Students Against Destructive Decisions in Tustin Schools

Students Against Destructive Decisions in Tustin Schools
SADD Club students from Beckman, Foothill, Northwood, and Tustin High School voted for “Wings of Faith” for their charity drive this year and would like to thank everyone who participated. Students collected enough items for nearly 250 children, including stuffed Disney characters, fairy wings, puzzles, coloring books, jump ropes, and clothing. The gift items will be picked up and delivered by plane to under privileged children in Native American Indian tribes in the Southwestern United States.

Several of the students joined together at the tustin Acura dealership to celebrate the holidays with a party and gift exchange. Each club received a megaphone from the dealership to help get their message out for positive life choices. See more info on our google plus page

From the Scripture

"Therefore encourage one another and build
each other up just as in fact you are doing."
 I Thessalonians 5:11


"so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."

Col 1:10

Stussy Comes to the Wintry Rescue

Stussy Comes to the Wintry Rescue
These and other warm coats were received on Dec. 18th, to be distributed ASAP for the winter weather being experienced across the Southwest. If you would like to help with the fuel to deliver these, please go to:

Touchdown Points
Stussy Clothing Comes Through at Crucial Time

With the holidays upon us, Stussy clothing made a great donation on the 18th of Dec. of some wonderful clothing! See photo center column at the bottom.

Joyful Foundation

Wings of faith has donated bolts of fabric received from Secura, (see story below) to the Joyful Foundation in Tustin, CA. The material will be sewn with loving care by volunteers into beautiful blankets to be given to children that are facing challenging health issues and are being treated by the medical community in Orange County.

Secura Inc Delivers Shirts and MORE!

Secura Inc Delivers Shirts and MORE!
Secura Inc. based in Orange County but with factories all over, called us in November with an offer for a donation. We were able to incorporate a Christmas delivery to Yuma and pick up from Secura's storage facility down near the Mexican border of some 11 , yes ELEVEN pallets of shirts, other clothing items and rolled fabric! Many thanks to Errol at Secura for his generosity which will keep WOF in tee shirt deliveries for quite a while! Lots of the tee shirts were plain and are highly sought after by some of our missionaries for camp and Bible school shirts to decorate!

Christmas Airlift Reaching Thousands

Christmas Airlift Reaching Thousands
Deliveries began Nov. 24 for the Mexican Border Ministries and will continue until completed, probably Dec 23rd. The earlier than usual rains across the West have relieved the drought but challenged our deliveries. Pictured above is a two airplane load to the border area near Nogales, AZ.

More Stories and News

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© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2025