American Indian Christian Mission

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow... More

Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission Newsletter

August/2024 You know, you and I have been together for quite some time! We have a "relationship" and it's through Christ! To give you a small... More

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support, because of your support i was able to help some young White Mountain kids who were financially struggling while we took... More

Dear Partners of AICM American Indian Christian Mission

Partners of AICM, An Elder Navajo believer named Willie John stopped by my office the other day. He was part of the AICM staff, and his children... More

Bishop California Missionary Distribution

WOF pilots (Mario and Jorge) just recently returned from a flight to Bishop (CA) from Redlands (CA) to deliver goods to our long time missionary Jim... More

Jeremy and Jodie Toews Serving Christ in Indonesia with MAF since 2015

Jeremy and Jodie Toews are thrilled to be part of the Mission Aviation Fellowship team in Kalimantan, Indonesia, serving remote communities on the... More

Fountain of Living Waters Indian Mission Cibecue Arizona

Dear Friends, I'm a blessed man! I have Jesus...and also, I have friends like you! Every once in a while, some of you truly "shine" and knock my... More

San Carlos Apache Area Fire - WOF and NAER Immediately Mobilized to Assist

Lastweek the San Carlos Apache area WOF serves had a large fire sweep thru this area causing numerous residents to have to quickly evacuate  their... More

Christmas Airlift 2024 - Gospel Story Nativity Booklets

Starting this week, July 15, we are beginning the preparation process for Christmas Airlift to thousands of children on the Reservations. Pastors and... More

WOF 2024 Back to School Distribution is Complete

Mission successful!!!  A lot of kids will be happy as they head back to school with new backpacks and supplies.  And their parents will also be... More

Back to School Distribution

WOF is in Holbrook, AZ, right now doing our ‘Back to School’ yearly distribution.  We are serving/supporting just under 40 different... More

Come With Us as We Disciple in 2024

This photo depicts the front cover of the Navajo Gospel of John. Thousands have been distributed and Foursquare Missions Press will be supplying more... More
© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2024