AICM Prayer Update 1-20-21

Partners of AICM,   The Fort Apache Reservation started a shelter-in-place Monday the 17th so we needed to postpone the students arrival... More

Supporting Our Missionaries

Missionary Darrell Garrity receiving gifts during our annual Christmas Airlift last... More

Pictures from Our Sponsors Donations

Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support, the companies include but are not limited to, representing many of our donors, masks,... More

Countdown to Completion!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Family, We thank you so much for your prayers and support of our annual Christmas Airlift for thousands... More

Flying in Delivery to Welton and Yuma

Justin and Jason from Fly with Wings Ministries started off early delivering much needed goods the the reservations. Our Cessna was packed full and... More

OGT Delivery

  We are officially full,, plus semi load of toys arrives today.. wow,, time to fulfill some needs!! This will all be part of the December... More

Wings of Faith Ministries Helps Replenish Food Bank

Wings of Faith blessed us again with lots of food and clothing and more, to enable us to bless many Apache families! Praise God! I drove around... More

Preparing to Spread Christmas Joy

As Christmas approaches, the volunteers at Wings of Faith are preparing cold weather clothing for distribution along with the Christmas joy. We will... More

Christmas Airlift is off and Running

"Thanks to many hands, but mostly to Love Ministries in Santa Ana , CA, Christmas Airlift is off and running. They donated several pallets of toys... More

Saturday Hangar Workday

We had a group of eleven that came to our hanger work day Sat, Sept 19,  and we put a great dent in our pasta packaging. A lot of this pasta... More

September Distribution in Holbrook

A few of us tackled packaging of  the pasta boxes Saturday, Sept 12. . This was a donation received last week of bulk pasta that will go out with... More

Native American Emergency Relief Donated by Ecolabs

[[paypal-w-dropdown-categories]] "In cooperation with Native American Emergency Relief and donated by Ecolabs, we are prepping pallets of hand... More
© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2024