Happy New Year from Soles4Souls!

As we begin this New Year, I just wanted to take a moment and reach out to you on behalf of Soles4Souls…   2017 was a... More

Christmas Event at Thoreau

An amazing event at Thoreau yesterday, hundreds of very thankful and patient folks showed up, the kids got presents from Santa and the loaves and... More

God Is Good All The Time

Dear Friends, First of all, I want to thank each of you for your faithful support. Over the years, Wings of Faith Ministries has helped thousands of... More

Food blankets shoes socks and Bibles

Food blankets shoes socks and Bibles to Darell Garrity yest in Carson City nv pictured with Mitch Pruitt Wof pilot and... More

Donation of 1000 Hand Crafted Toys

Just received a donation of 1000 hand crafted toys from the wood shop students at Upland High School. Special thanks to their teacher Craig... More

Missionary Requests for Prayers and Needs

Wings of Faith Ministries Missionary Requests for Prayers and Needs Alex Montoya – Yuma AZ  Having problems with City and... More

School Supplies for the Reservations

We have already delivered several loads of school supplies to various American Indian Reservations in the Southwest. On July 18, pilots Jeff and... More

School Begins in August on the Reservations

In Mark 10:13 we see people bringing little children to Jesus so that he would place his hands on them. When the disciples rebuked the people for... More

Holbrook Dedication and Collaborative Distribution

Although Wings of Faith, Giving Children Hope and Operations 29:11 have cooperated for years, May 9th was the first time we did a joint... More

Midwest Foodbank Partners with W.O.F. Ministries

“Midwest Foodbank (midwestfoodbank.org) has become an invaluable partner to Wings of Faith. They are a fairly new operation in Gilbert, AZ,... More

13,000 Pounds of Blessings

It was a busy winter for Wings of Faith as our team took to the road to deliver 13,000 pounds of blessings to Native American Reservations. As... More
© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2024