Toys 4 Smiles November 2015 Newsletter

Hi Everyone!   As I prepared this article, we are in our new facility at 4315 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89103.   Toys 4... More

New Beginnings with Jesus Christ

New Beginnings with Jesus Christ ~ Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico Nuevos Comienzos con Jesucristo ~ Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico The following pictures are... More

Breakfast Fellowship Nov. 21 at 9 a.m.

Please join us at our monthlyBreakfast Fellowship. Hear about what God is doing through this ministry to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!... More

Fountain of Thanks

Here's one of many letters of thanks we received after delivering the Back to School Backpacks. Thank you, dear friends, for your partnership that is... More

Christmas Airlift Please Donate Today

Ever since the 1976 maiden flight of the Christmas Airlift, Wings of Faith (WOF) has delivered new toys, games, blankets and clothing to... More

Mission Trip to England - Water From the Rock

Last month I traveled to London, England for two weeks and visited John Wesley’s Chapel  I stood beneath his enormous statue that was engraved... More

Gleanings For The Hungry November Newsletter 2015

University Students Volunteer for a Day The weekend before our first week-long team arrived, we opened our gates for a group of students from... More

Encourage One Another Inc. November 1 2015 News Letter

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11 Sherry Hemsoth,... More

Encourage One Another Inc. November 1 2015 Prayer Letter

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. I Thessalonians 5:11 November 1, 2015 Dear Prayer... More

Faithful is Our God

Faithfulness is a beautiful attribute of God.  We can count on His Word one hundred percent of the time.  That’s a great comfort for... More

Did YOU Know?

Wings of Faith Ministries is made up of ALL Volunteers! And we love serving our Lord for the children and those in need of Hope on the... More

Prayer Breakfast Oct 10th 2015

Hi everyone, We will be meeting this coming Saturday (17th) at Marie Callenders Restaurant in Corona at 9AM.  We will have a guest speaker who is a... More
© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2024