Wings of Faith Ministries is Blessed to be a Blessing

Sometimes we feel a little overwhelmed by what God is doing. It seems the Lord is blessing us to be a blessing by supplying us with unique and... More

Wings of Faith School Supply Project 2013

We are nearing the completion of the backpack and school supply project for this year! God was very gracious to us and supplied funds to purchase and... More

Blog Post from EAA Airventure 2013

A large contingent of missionary aviators from around the globe attended EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. The Airventure runs for seven days, usually... More

Wings of Faith Blessed!

To be a blessing. Through our partners at Serve-One, we can bless others with healthy and nutritious food. Seniors with digestive problems are... More

School Supply Project in Full Wing and Wheel News Letter 8-4-2013

  School Supply Project in Full Wing and Wheel WOF started delivery of over 1,000 backpacks, binders, notebooks, pencils, etc  with a delivery on... More

Pilot Safety Seminar Leads to Supporters and Donations invited Wings of Faith to have an information table at an all-day aviation safety seminar on Saturday in Long Beach. We were able to... More

Photo Gallery 2011

This gallery shows the Christmas... More

Photo Gallery 2012

Click pictures for... More

Memorial Day with the La Jolla Tribe in San Diego County

Wings of Faith representatives  and members of the Christian Family Center in Corona, CA, (led by Pastor Julio Romano) converged on the monthly... More

May 2013 Food Bank Thank You From Tribes 4 Christ

Thank you all so much for your help in caring for our tribes. God bless you! Susan... More

Gleanings for the Hungry FOOD!!!

Yes, our Lord knows needs and how to fill them! Serve-One in conjunction with Operations 29:11 and Wings of Faith were able to supply 5,000 lbs. TO... More

Holbrook Warehouse Gets a Refrigerator!

Compliments of Serve-One and Operations 29:11 ,  the jointly operated warehouse in Holbrook now has a way to store fresh food until distributed!... More
© Wings of Faith Ministries 1977/2024